Monday, November 9, 2015

Predation, competition, and disturbance in bacteria

When we think of predators most of us think of large mammals such as wolves or bears. We know these predators play a role in maintaining a diversity of species in their ecosystem. We also know that disturbances, both natural and man-made can alter the prey diversity of the environment. Scientists at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris have studied these interactions and have determined that predation and disturbance interact to shape species diversity. However, these scientists did not examine typical mammalian predators; they used bacteria.
                These scientists used a very small bacterium called Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus as their microscopic predator. This bacteria feeds on other bacteria by burrowing through the wall of its prey and eating the victim’s insides. Then, it uses the victim’s body as a home to replicate itself before moving onto the next prey. The prey the scientists chose for the Bdellovibrio was a bacterium called Pseudomonas fluorescens. This bacteria is important to the experiment in the way it can diversify into three different morphs based on its environment. The three morphs were referred to as SM, WS, and FS mutants.
                These scientists inoculated 36 small bottles of nutrient broth with the same amount of P. fluorescens. Half of these bottles also received B. bacteriovorus. All 36 bottles were swirled at 200 revolutions/minute to ensure the environment was the same throughout, which meant the P. fluorescens diversification could not be predicted. To introduce disturbance into the experiment, the scientists diluted at different intensities (100-fold and 1000-fold) and at different frequencies. These disturbances also make the prey bacteria temporarily resistant to the predator. The scientists also tested competition by setting up 10 bottles with two competing morphs of P. fluorescens, half of which received the predator as well. The experiment was run for 4 days then the contents of the bottles were plated and diversity was measured.
                What the scientists discovered was that in 17 of 18 of the cultures that did not have the predator, the SM mutant was observed most with very low diversity. In contrast, all of the samples with the predator showed increased prey diversity. Surprisingly, the populations of the predators did not change much throughout the experiment. They also found that diversification happened faster under low frequency disturbance. However, they found low diversity occurred in the presence of high intensity disturbance. The scientists discovered that the FS mutant was rare, but 10 times more resistant to the predator than the SM mutant. This meant in the presence of the predator the FS mutant dominated and in the absence of a predator the SM mutant dominated.
                What the scientists learned from their experiment was that predators are essential for prey diversity. In the absence of predators, the only selective pressure is competition which results in one dominant species. With predators present, competition and predation are present. It is rare for one prey species to be the most resistant to predation and competition, so prey diversity increases. They describe concept as a “trade-off” in which each mutant must trade-off between mutations that increase their resistance to predators or mutations that increase their resistance to competition. The scientists found their results to be in close agreement with the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH). The IDH predicts that higher species diversity occurs with intermediate frequency and intensity of disturbance as shown in the figure below.

The findings of this experiment are important because they support the theory that predators play a central role in maintaining diversity of the food web below them and that this concept in conserved across predators of all sizes. The relationship between predation, competition, and disturbance observed in this experiment is also important in understanding the dynamics of diversity in an ecosystem. 

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